We could not serve our clients without our amazing team of dedicated volunteers.
Come join us!
Volunteers are an essential resource for Clothed By Faith. We rely on an average of 200 volunteers a month and approximately 20,000 volunteer hours a year. Without them, we are unable to fulfill our mission. At CBF, the selfless commitment and efforts of volunteers is acknowledged and recognized on a regular basis throughout the year through our Volunteer Appreciation Program. This program helps recruit and maintain volunteers and ensures each individual knows their value both to CBF and the community.
Hours to volunteer at our Katy and Deer Park Branches are 10 am - 4 pm, Monday - Friday
You can volunteer for one or more of these two hour shifts each day:
10 am - 12 pm | 12 pm - 2 pm | 2 pm - 4 pm
Please note that although we would love for our volunteers to commit to volunteering at the same time each week this is not a necessity - we are very happy to take any hours you can spare!
Volunteer Opportunities include:
Warehouse: Volunteer in our bright, air-conditioned warehouse volunteers sort and restock donated clothing. Experienced volunteers put together a week’s wardrobe to fulfill our clients’ requests.
Volunteer at Home: On occasion, we have tasks that can be done at home - washing clothes, sorting clothing, putting together packages, etc. Complete instructions will always be given for these at-home projects. There is no age limit for this type of volunteering.
Delivery & Pick-up Drivers: This group will provide deliveries and/or pick-ups when necessary, mostly within our hours of operation. Drivers must have their own vehicles, OR, if we require them to use Clothed by Faith’s vans, they need to be over 25, with a clean driving record and personal auto insurance.
Closet Team: This group assists in set up and maintenance of our Closets for Schools program.
Muscle Group: Our Muscle Team helps with tasks like running errands, lifting heavy items & general chores around the warehouse. We might need their assistance during the week or at weekends. Our Muscle Team must be over 16 years of age and have their own transportation.
Community Outreach Events: Engage our community at events such as clothing and winter coat giveaways. These events are typically held at the weekends. Event volunteers must be at least 12 years of age and must be accompanied by an adult volunteer until they are 16 years old.
Information on group volunteering can be found here:
Please watch the following Volunteer Training Video
“SHOES“ training video - watch this before you come volunteer.
Click HERE to download our Volunteer Handbook.
Click HERE to download our Volunteer Appreciation Program.
Katy’s bright, air conditioned facility :